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How to Get the Most Out of Your Home Remodeling Project

Remodels are one of the best ways to change your home on a budget. According to Commerce Financial Advisors, home remodeling generated $369 billion in revenue during 2021, which was an increase of 9% from 2020. If you’re planning a home remodel, here’s how you can get the most out of your project.

Size Isn’t Everything

You might think your kitchen or bathroom is too small to remodel, but you don’t have to start knocking down walls and extending your home. If you want to add space with a more affordable remodel, look for creative ways to add storage and other usable space without making the room bigger.

Consider Long-Term Returns

Some remodels offer immediate results, but that’s not always the case. Focusing on long-term returns is your best bet when it comes to home remodeling, especially if you’re not planning on selling your home anytime soon. A remodel can increase the value and functionality of your home for many years to come.

Check Recycling Centers

From lighting fixtures to building materials, getting everything you need for home remodeling can cost a lot of money. You can try checking a few local recycling centers to see if they have lightly used fixtures or building materials that you can purchase at a reduced price.

Use Natural Light

Speaking of lighting fixtures, you don’t have to fill every room with fixtures to get more light in your home. Natural light is free and great for your health, so don’t be afraid to open up windows, skylights, and other natural light sources instead of opting for expensive fixtures.

When you’re remodeling your home, it can be easy to spend more money than you initially intended. The good news is that there are many ways to save money during a remodel. If you need help finding a solution to affordable home remodeling, give Live Oak Homes a call and we’ll take care of it.
